and the flowers from the eyes
but it cannot hide
love from the soul.
♥ Rumi
Gifted By: ONE LOVE ✿ ONE HEART ❤ ONE VISION ॐ and Laughing Matriarch
Laughing Matriarch (Rainbow Mother of all Mothers) comes to shine, upon the heart of a dime (circle embraced by calling home), we the children learn on time. There is music in her words, when you treat her like you should. And a big laughter will come your way, to learn how to really play. Lift up the sounds of love, to bring us nearer than above, (a sky, higher into heaven we know why). Lean on the portal of the sun (brotherhood), that we need the point of doves, gather my children and learn to run, over rolling hills and into the sun. Gift your heart this day, because it's always a way to play. And if we need a home all we got to do is phone (prayers in the wind). Mother of all Mothers sing, to bring in the heart of the wind. And we are to learn to find a place, where we can be an open face. Shame and lame do not belong, because each has it's song (perfection in all songs). Keep a hanger (stuck on the ground, spirit not in flight, yet a safe place to land) you need within, the place we think we need to sin (behind closed doors). But if you learn to bow and pray, it's perfect magic in a day, bless bless, a place in time, we go heaven (blue road) inside this time. Spirit flies into the world, upon the shore to open doors (into each others hearts, a safe place within the true blue).